Our Mission Statement
The Memorial Drive Elementary Community Men’s Association (the MDE CMA) is a charitable, 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded to facilitate fellowship among men in the Memorial Drive Elementary Community and to raise funds for the support of the Memorial Drive Elementary community. We conduct social events for the purpose of fellowship among community men, and we raise money for the benefit of Memorial Drive Elementary and for qualified local community organizations that serve MDE.
In the Fall of 2019, we incorporated our historically unofficial “MDE Dad’s Club” into an official 501(c)(3) incorporated organization for the benefit of our kids, our community, and their experience as students at Memorial Drive Elementary. We and the PTA are mutually supportive organizations helping support and improve MDE. If you are a dad in the MDE community, we invite you to join us for fun, fellowship, and ongoing building of the MDE community.
We have formed this organization with the intent to position our school and facilities to become, and remain, best in class for years to come. Below is a quick summary of the organization.
- The official name of the Dad’s Club is the Memorial Drive Elementary Community Men’s Association, Inc. (the “MDE CMA”). The MDE-CMA is a nonprofit corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable and/or educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
- The MDE-CMA is a community men’s association in the Memorial Villages to facilitate fellowship among members of the organization and conduct social events for the purpose of providing charitable giving primarily for the benefit of Memorial Drive Elementary and for local community qualified organizations that serve Memorial Drive Elementary.
- The MDE-CMA will be led by directors (11 for the 2022-2023 school year) who will each serve a one-year term, and may serve consecutive terms. Directors must be active parents of a current student at Memorial Drive Elementary. The minimum annual contribution requirement for a Director position is $2,000. The 2022 – 2023 school year Directors are Chad Fargason (President), Richard Whiteley (Secretary), Bubba Gentry (At-Large), Matt Rigdon (At-Large), Tripp Rice (Treasurer), Brent Riley (At-Large), Matt Harting (At-Large), Bo Howell (Social Co-Chair), Juan Carlos Flores (At-Large), Reagan Swinbank (Social Co-Chair), and Rob Wellington (At-Large).
- We have an established Social Events committee, for which we have two co-chairs – Bo Howell and Reagan Swinbank. They would love your help. We also anticipate further committees including Field and Grounds, Long Range Planning, and Fundraising/Membership.
- Annual dues for all members are $250. Annual dues will provide funds for the MDE PTA as well as cover organizational operating expenses, some social events, and generally help facilitate the operations of the organization. Dues are not intended to cover 100% of costs associated with participation and there will be additional expenses throughout the year for special events.
We will have social and fundraising events throughout the year. In addition to the highly successful “Dad’s All-In” event, we anticipate having 4 or more happy hours per school year, and we may have additional social activities and fundraisers.
We have finished all social events for the 2022-2023 school year:
- We will host the next event in the early Fall of 2023
- Dads All In Poker Event – Planned for April 2024
The Dad’s All-In event will continue to operate in the same manner as it has historically. The entry fee for the event and all rebuys from the event will be exclusively for the funding of the needs of MDE, as determined by the PTA and the MDE-CMA and will be distributed by the MDE-CMA for future projects at MDE. Host sponsors will continue to fund all expenses of the event.
- With the new MDE school construction currently ongoing, we are funding several of the aspects of the rebuild that are not funded by the district.
- A separate and distinct 501(c)(3) organization will be easier for participating members to understand where funds are being allocated, especially for multi-year projects. Under the current informal structure of the Dad’s Club, a mechanism to accrue multi-year funds to facilitate
larger scale projects in the future does not exist. - Our non-profit status will allow for flexibility around where funds raised can be implemented for the benefit of MDE students, faculty and staff and in
general serve as a vehicle for expanded fundraising for MDE. - The organization will provide an outlet for social outreach among MDE Dads, especially new families seeking to network and establish new relationships within the community.
- The organization will consider the potential for additional charitable outreach for other community causes directly affecting the MDE community, like the Memorial Villages Police and Fire Departments. One must look no farther than Hurricane Harvey to see the impact that an organization like this could have on the community.
- This separate 501(c)(3) approach is consistent with
other Dad’s Clubs such as Wilchester, Bunker Hill, and Hunter’s Creek, and implemented for similar reasons.area
Attached here are a few documents that can provide more details about the organization.
The original formation memo is attached here:
MDE-CMA Detailed Formation Memo
The bylaws are attached here:
- At the conclusion each school year, the MDE-CMA Board will consult with the MDE PTA Executive Committee to discuss specific projects and funding requirements for the following school year. The MDE-CMA Board will then make a recommendation on its proposed uses for its annual funds, subject to a member vote.
- No less than 80% of the annual operating income will go directly to MDE requirements (100% until the first $50,000 has been contributed to MDE) then additional community organizations may be considered. The MDE-CMA has the discretion to “accrue” operating income if it feels its in the best interest of MDE to “save up” for a larger scale project in the future.
- It will be the intention of the MDE-CMA to provide for an “open book” and fully transparent approach to all fundraising, expenses, and annual grants.
- We look forward to seeing you at our next event!
Have a Great School Year!
Chad Fargason
Richard Whiteley
Bubba Gentry
Tripp Rice
Brent Riley
Matt Rigdon
Matt Harting -
Juan Carlos Flores
Reagan Swinbank
Bo Howell
Rob Wellington